Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gary Soto A Mexican American Author - 1696 Words

ac Foster Mrs. Brown Adv 11th Lit 15 December 2016 Gary Soto Gary Soto, a Mexican-American author, was born in 1952, Fresno, California. His parents were both Mexican-American. Soto did not expect a lot in his life, he imagined he would ’marry Mexican poor, work Mexican hours, and in the end die a Mexican death, broke and in despair’ (Lee). That’s what many people would have predicted for him. However, he instead became a writer of great worth, writing poems and short stories. â€Å"Soto is one of the most important voices in Chicano literature†(Sullivan). Soto, an established writer, uses his experience from life and his surroundings when he was a child to write stories about life in a Mexican-American community. Soto grew up in a small family, being the second child. â€Å"His parents were Mexican-American†(Sullivan). They worked hard to provide for the family, â€Å"...his father and grandfather worked in blue-collar jobs at Sun-Maid Raisin and his mother peeled potatoes at Reddi-Spud† (Boyle). Jobs such as peeling potatoes did not pay well, and factory jobs were extremely dangerous. These jobs were their best ways of earning the money they needed. â€Å"When Soto was five, his father was killed in an industrial accident†(Lee). The struggle became much more after this as itâ€Å"†¦ created economic hardship for a family that was already having difficulties†(Sullivan). Soto lived in a Chicano and impoverished culture. The culture he grew up with can be seen in several of his writings. He hasShow MoreRelatedGary Soto : A Mexican American Author2363 Words   |  10 PagesDecember 2016 Gary Soto Gary Soto, a Mexican-American author, was born in 1952 in Fresno, California. His parents were both Mexican-American. Soto did not expect a lot from his life; he imagined he would ’marry Mexican poor, work Mexican hours, and in the end die a Mexican death, broke and in despair’ (Lee). Instead, he became a great writer of poems and short stories. James Sullivan describes Soto as â€Å"one of the most important voices in Chicano literature† and Don Lee counts Soto as â€Å"one of theRead MoreGary Soto : A Mexican American Author2038 Words   |  9 PagesLit/Comp 14 December 2016 Gary Soto: Gary Soto is a popular Mexican-American author, who uses his experiences and cultural background to tell stories. Soto effectively uses his cultural background, the importance of family, and experiences to tell stories in a way that readers can either relate to or vividly imagine. Over the course of his career, Soto has earned worldwide recognition and continues to serve as one of the main faces of international authors success in American literature. 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He was not academically motivated as a child, but became interested in poetry during his high school years.† Soto uses his cultural experiences lead him to write about his character how he does and throughout all of his short stories, books, and poems heRead MoreThe Significance of Irony1413 Words   |  6 Pagesof indirectness is partly what makes poetry so interesting. Poetry’s lack of simplicity forces the reader to think independently, therefore creating numerous possible interpretations. The techniques of irony used in Stephen Dunns, â€Å"After,† Gary Soto’s, â€Å"Mexicans Begin Jogging,† Mark Doty’s, â€Å"Golden Retrievals,† and â€Å"This Is Just To Say,† by William Carlos Williams, are ultimately different, but do have substantial similarities an d presentations of humor. Stephen Dunn’s poem, â€Å"After,† was written as

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